After the Kantian analytic/synthetic contrast:

social epistemology from Hegel to Derrrida and Fricker


Victoria I. Burke




Keywords: adaptive preferences, economics, vulnerability, meaning, linguistic diversity, epistemic injustice


In this article, I lend support to Miranda Fricker's work in social epistemology from a post-Kantian point of view. In Epistemic Injustice: Power

and The Ethics of Knowing, Fricker writes that, at times, social power, rather than the actual possession of

knowledge, determines whether a speaker is believed (Fricker, 2007, 1-2). I will develop Miranda

Fricker's project in feminist epistemology by examining the post-Kantian linguistic sign with a view to showing

how G.W.F. Hegel and Jacques Derrida transform the Kantian analytic/synthetic contrast in their semiologies. Epistemic injustice

arises not only from cultural stereotypes and impoverished categories of identity but, also, from the dynamic way that language generates meaning.